44% of US Adults Say They're Unlikely to Have Children
An increasing number of Americans who are not already parents say they're unlikely to ever have children, a survey by Pew Research Center has found.
The survey was done in October 2021, and included almost 4,000 US adults aged 18-49 who do not have any children.
According to the results, 44% of participants said that they are not too likely, or not likely at all, to have children one day — an increase from 37% in 2018..
The respon
dents gave different reasons for not wanting kids, although more than half said they just have no desire to become parents. Nineteen percent listed medical reasons, and 17% named financial reasons for not having children. Nine percent listed concerns about the state of the world, and 5% said they were worried about the environment.
A further 10% of respondents said they didn't want to have children because of their age or their partner's age, while 2% said it was because their partner didn't want kids. The results also showed no difference between men's and women's rate of desire to have children.
This data comes at a time when US birthrates are lower than usual. In 2020, the US birthrate dropped by 4% from the previous year. Although it has been slowly decreasing for the past six years, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that the number of births in 2020 — around 3.6 million — was the lowest since 1979, and that this was the sharpest decrease in almost 50 years.
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