A billet-doux is a love letter.
Billet-doux 是情书的意思。
BILLET-DOUX in Context
"What 'The French Dispatch' celebrates is something more specific than everyday newspapering…. Anderson has inscribed a billet-doux to The New Yorker in its mid-20th-century glory years that is, at the same time, an ardent, almost orgiastic paean to the pleasures of print." — A.O. Scott, The New York Times, 20 Oct. 2021
《The French Dispatch「法兰西特派」》的称颂在报界更为特殊的……安德森以20世纪中期的《纽约客》的辉煌时期为主题写了一封情书,同时也是对印刷的一种热爱、及近乎狂欢的赞扬。
While helping her grandmother pack, Abbie came across a billet-doux from her grandfather that was written when the two were teenagers.
Did You Know?
In French, billet doux means "sweet letter." English writers first fell in love with the word during the 17th century and have been committed to using it as a romantic alternative to "love letter" ever since.
在法语中,billet doux 的意思是“甜蜜的信”。 英国作家在 17 世纪爱上了这个词,并一直致力于将其用为“love letter「情书」”的浪漫替代品。
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