网友【english】 2022-06-09 04:39:28 分享在【美国信息交流】版块    1    8


be stuck at 被困在

a ton 很多;大量

China's economy has slumped as Covid cases surged in the world's most populous country. But Chinese consumers stuck at home are still spending.

slump 下跌

surge 上涨

populous 人口众多的

E-commerce giant Alibaba reported better-than-expected earnings and sales for its most recent quarter Thursday.

e-commerce giant 电商巨头

better-than-expected 比预期好的

earning 收入

Shares of Alibaba were up nearly 15% in late morning trading after the company reported that revenue rose 9% from a year ago, topping analysts' forecasts. Alibaba said the strength was due to solid online and mobile shopping demand as well as a 12% jump in sales from its massive Alibaba Cloud unit.

revenue [ˈrevənuː]收入;收益

top 胜过;高于;优于

analyst 分析师

forecast 预测

due to 由于

solid [ˈsɒlɪd]牢固的;可靠的;相当不错的

massive 巨大的

Alibaba said that it now has more than 1 billion active customers in China, the first time the company has surpassed that milestone. Alibaba has more than 1.3 billion customers worldwide.

active 活跃的

surpass 超越

milestone 里程碑

Alibaba chairman and CEO Daniel Zhang said in a press release that Alibaba was able to post solid results "despite macro challenges that impacted supply chains and consumer sentiment."

press release (向媒体发布的)新闻稿

macro [ˈmækrəʊ] 巨大的

impact 影响

supply chain 供应链

consumer sentiment 消费者信心;消费者情绪;消费情绪

The company hopes supply chain disruptions could soon be ending. Alibaba chief financial officer Toby Xu said during a conference call with analysts Thursday that "we certainly are seeing signs of improvement going into the month of May" even though it will still "take time" for outstanding shipments to be delivered.


Chief Financial Officer 首席财务官

conference call 电话会议

deliver 传送;交付

Xu added that "many merchants may need to invest in order to grow their revenues," especially as retailers prepare for Alibaba's mid-year shopping festival on June 18.

merchant 商人;批发商

retailer 零售商

prepare for 为…作准备

mid-year shopping festival 年中购物节

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8   2022-06-09 04:39:28  回复


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美国动态 美果转盘 美果商店

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