在这个繁忙的世界里,一句贴心的“你辛苦了”如同一缕温暖的阳光,能够瞬间照亮他人的心房。然而,在英语中,这样温馨的话语并非简单地用“You're tired”来表达。接下来,让我们一起解锁这句充满关怀与敬意的话语的英文表达,并探索那些能够让人心花怒放的赞美之辞!、
在英语中,要表达“你辛苦了”的温情与敬意,我们可以说“You've been through a lot”或者“You've put in a lot of effort”。这两句话不仅传达了对方可能经历的辛劳与不易,更表达了对对方付出与努力的深深认可与感激。
You've been through a lot recently; here's a hug to show my appreciation.(你最近辛苦了,来个拥抱表达我的感激之情。)
You've put in a lot of effort into this task; your dedication is truly admirable.(你为这项任务付出了很多努力,你的敬业精神真令人钦佩。)
Well done! (做得好!)
You've got talent! (你真有才华!)
I'm really impressed with your work. (我对你的工作印象深刻。)
You have a great sense of humor. (你很有幽默感。)
You're such a great listener. (你真是个出色的倾听者。)
You look absolutely stunning today!(你今天看起来简直美翻了!)
That dress looks amazing on you; it really brings out your best features.(那条裙子穿在你身上真好看,把你的优点都展现出来了。)
Your smile is so warm and inviting.(你的笑容如此温暖而迷人。)
Your hair color is so vibrant and suits you perfectly.(你的发色真鲜艳,非常适合你。)
Your eyes sparkle with intelligence and kindness.(你的眼睛闪烁着智慧与善良的光芒。)
You look fantastic in that color; it really complements your skin tone.(你穿这个颜色真好看,与你的肤色非常相衬。)
Your skin has a natural glow that's truly captivating.(你的皮肤有着令人着迷的自然光泽。)
You have a unique beauty that's truly mesmerizing.(你有一种令人着迷的独特之美。)
Your personal style is so effortlessly chic.(你的个人风格如此轻松自在,又不失时尚感。)
You've really toned up; you look fantastic!(你真的变得更强壮/更苗条了,看起来真好!)
出处:头条号 @每天记美剧单词