英 [ɪn'veləp] 美 [ɪn'veləp]
①《The New York Times》 (2023年5月12日)
A thick fog began toenvelopthe city, reducing visibility to mere feet.
②《The Economist》 (2024年11月3日)
A sense of unease seemed toenvelopthe nation as election results trickled in.
①《简·爱》(Jane Eyre)——夏洛蒂·勃朗特 (1847年)
A soft twilight began toenvelopthe landscape, and the air grew still.
②《白鲸》(Moby-Dick)——赫尔曼·梅尔维尔 (1851年)
The mist began toenvelopthe ship, as if the sea itself wished to hide her.
◉Usage Examples
(1) The papers areenvelopedby plastic bag.
(2) Gloomenvelopedthe household.
(3) The mountain peak wasenvelopedin mist and clouds.
(4) The building was soonenvelopedin flames.
(1) 论文用塑料纸包封好了。
(2) 沮丧的气氛笼罩著这一家子。
(3) 山峰被云雾遮蔽。
(4) 那幢建筑物很快就陷入了火海之中。
◉Usage Notes
When somethingenvelopsyou, it wraps around you. The Snuggie Blanket is so popular because it envelops your body, leaving only your head uncovered. Sure, it looks dorky, but it keeps you extra warm.
You probably noticed thatenveloplooks just like the noun envelope, minus that last letter "e", and that's an easy way to help you remember its meaning, too. Picture what an envelope does — it seals a letter completely inside, or envelops it. Envelop can also be used in a symbolic way, to describe something that consumes or occupies your mind. If the pretty girl you just met starts to envelop your thoughts, your work will suffer because you can't concentrate. Envelop comes from the late 14c. word envolupen, meaning "be involved in."
1. [VERB 动词]包住;盖住;围绕If one thing envelops another, it covers or surrounds it completely. [V n] [V-ing]
That lovely, rich fragrant smell of the forestenvelopedus...
...anenvelopingsense of well-being.
出处:头条号 @学无用的英语