如今的孩子,有没吃过糖的吗?澳大利亚一位妈妈,自女儿出生起就没给她吃过含有精制糖的食品,也没有喂她谷类和豆类等碳水化合物。有人责备这种做法是虐待儿童,这位妈妈则坚持己见。几年之后,女儿的身体怎么样了?香农·库珀是一个非常讲究饮食健康的人,对吃什么怎么吃很有自己的一套。西方有一种饮食理念,叫“You are what you eat”,直
The new Coronavirus was named 2019-NCoV by the World Health Organization on January 12,2020 .How can we not know how to describe such a significant public health event i
Longer Breaks Might Help You Study BetterResearchers in Germany have found that taking long breaks while studying may actually help us remember things better the next da