假设你考试考了满分,你很高兴地对你的朋友小明说你这次的成绩,他阴阳怪气道:“这只不过是这次考试比较简单罢了。”,你觉得小明简直就是个wet blanket。
那大家猜猜看,wet blanket是什么意思呢?
wet blanket的意思是“a person who says or does something that stops other people enjoying themselves”,即“扫兴的人,泼冷水的人,话题终结者”。
从字面上理解,wet blanket的意思是“湿毯子”。但从18世纪末,这句习语不再单单只是字面意思了。
Could the fathers, brothers and husbands of the wretched females, victims of lust and cruelty, be dead to all feeling? Can the inhabitants of Stantz forget the destruction of their city? Would they by this vote throw a wet blanket upon their rising spirit?
在这段话中的wet blanket不再是字面意思,而是具有引申含义。
那到底为什么能用“wet blanket”形容某个人人扫兴呢?这是因为,在冬日里,毯子本来是保暖用的。但是潮湿的毯子,不但不能保暖,如果冬日里长时间盖着,反而会生病,因此令人生厌,所以久而久之,这句习语就引申为“扫兴的人,泼冷水的人,话题终结者”的意思了。
Mike will be a wet blanket if he is invited to our party, because he can not dance.
Amy always acts like a wet blanket at our parties.