英中双语资讯 ~ 用于癌症的“mRNA疫苗”因新冠有突破?
网友【english】 2021-02-18 18:58:31 分享在【身心健康最重要】版块    1    7


Breakthrough mRNA vaccine developed for cancer immunotherapy by Chinese scientists


Research involving messenger RNA (mRNA) has accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic, and scientists are now reporting a new vaccine for cancer immunotherapy.


Similar to vaccines, Chinese scientists have developed a new mRNA vaccine that activates the immune system to attack a protein made by tumour cells instead of the protein produced by the coronavirus.


Crucially, this mRNA is contained in a breakthrough hydrogel developed by the team from the Chinese National Centre for Nanoscience and Technology, that, when injected into mice with melanoma, slowly released the RNA which successfully caused tumours to shrink and prevented them from metastasising.


Both of the COVID-19 vaccines developed by and use mRNA to send genetic instructions to the body's cells that result in them producing antibodies for the coronavirus without the virus actually being introduced to their body.

辉瑞/ BioNTech和莫德纳共同开发的两种COVID-19疫苗均使用mRNA将遗传指令发送至人体细胞,从而导致它们产生冠状病毒抗体,而实际上并未将病毒引入体内。

The mRNA cancer treatment, reported in the American Chemical Society's Nano Letters, works in a similar way - by entering antigen-presenting cells and making the tumour protein, triggering other immune cells to seek and destroy real tumour cells that also make this protein.


The challenge is that mRNA is generally a very unstable molecule that is quickly degraded by enzymes in the body.


Scientists have tried using nanoparticles to protect the mRNA when it is delivered, but these particles are generally cleared from the body too quickly after injection - typically one or two days.



Please work out!


I expect this technology to be a breakthrough for all sorts of hard to deal with viruses over the years, like Herpes, HIV, the Flu, etc.


It would make this pandemic worth it if we ended up with a technology to beat the big C because of it. Think custom mRNA vaccines tailored to the exact cancer a patient has.


Note for clarity that we've been developing mRNA vaccine tech since the 1990s. The reason it helped us all here is a fortuitous coincidence that we took advantage of. The SARS-1 mRNA vaccine was already in trials, etc. We just needed to "swap out the payload" to Covid-19. :)If this had happened a few years ago, we'd all be getting old school retrovirus vaccinations.What I want to know is if maybe we could finally vaccinate against the common cold? The common cold is also a coronavirus and the mRNA vaccine for COVID-19 targets the spike protein in the virus. Could it be possible to target the spike protein in the common cold too?

为清楚起见,请注意,自1990年代以来我们一直在开发mRNA疫苗技术。SARS-1 mRNA疫苗已经在试验中,等等。我们只需要“交换有效载荷”到Covid-19。 :) 如果这是几年前发生的,我们所有人都会接种老式逆转录病毒疫苗。 我想知道的是,也许我们最终可以对普通感冒进行疫苗接种?普通感冒也是一种冠状病毒,COVID-19的mRNA疫苗靶向病毒中的刺突蛋白。也可以在普通感冒中靶向刺突蛋白吗?

This mRNA technology was originally designed for this application. The idea is to target cancers very precisely based on their genetics. It is because so much research and development on mRNA has been published that we were able to get two highly effective mRNA based coronavirus vaccines so quickly. That China is making progress with this is good, but it should be remembered that researchers in the US, UK, and Germany conceived this technology and are still in the lead.


Do you need protein folding research for this?


Probably not. You're giving the body a blue-print of the target protein, the body produces it and does the folding and the result is used by the immune system to learn what to attack.

I'm still amazed, when I think about it.

可能不需要。您为身体提供了目标蛋白的蓝图,由身体产生并进行折叠,最终被免疫系统用来攻击。 当我想到这个过程,仍然感到十分惊讶。

First time saying this in a while, but nice work China.


Nice work Chinese scientists


Nice work, scientists.



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7   2021-02-18 18:58:31  回复

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